Friday, October 17, 2008

How dyes bind to fabric

I read this information from Organic Chemistry. To be classified as a dye, a compound must be colored and it must bind to fabric. There are many ways for this binding to occur. Compounds that bind to fabric by some type of attractive forces are called direct dyes. These attractive forces may involve electrostatic interactions. The type of interaction depends on the structure of the dye and the fiber. Thus, a compound that is good dyeing wool or silk, both polyamides, may be poor for dyeing cotton, a carbohydrate. Wool and silk contain charged functional groups, such as NH₃⁺ and COO¯. Because of this, they bind to ionic dyes by electrostatic interactions. For example, positively charged NH₃⁺ groups bonded to the protein backbone are electrostatically attracted to anionic groups in a dye like methyl orange. Cotton, on the other hand, binds dyes by hydrogen bonding interactions with its many OH group. Thus, Congo red is bound to the cellulose backbone by hydrogen bonds.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

An MRI instrument is specially useful for visualizing soft tissues. In 2002, 60 million MRI procedures were performed. The 2003 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to chemist Paul C. Lauterbur and physicist Sir Peter Mansfield for their contributions in developing magnetic resonance imaging. MRI, NMR spectroscopy in medicine, is a powerful diagnostic technique. The “sample” is the patient, who is placed in a large cavity in a magnetic field, and then irradiated with RF energy. Because RF energy has very low frequency and low energy, the method is safer than X-rays or computed tomography (CT) scans that employ high-frequency, high-energy radiation that is known to damage living cells. Living tissue contains protons in different concentrations and environments. When irradiated with RF energy, these protons are excited to a higher energy spin state, and then fall back to the lower energy spin state. These data are analyzed by a computer that generates a plot that delineates tissues of different proton density. MRIs can be recorded in any plane. Moreover, because the calcium present in bones is not NMR active, an MRI instrument can “see through” bones such as the skull and visualize the soft tissue underneath.


I read this information from Organic Chemistry. Histrionicotoxin is a diyne isolated in small quantities from the skin of Dendrobates histrionicus, a colorful South American frog. This toxin, secreted by the frog as a natural defense mechanism, was used as a poison on arrow tips by the Choco tribe of South America. These small “poison dart” frogs inhabit the moist humid floor of tropical rainforests, and are commonly found in western Ecuador and Colombia. Histrionicotoxin acts by interfering with nerve transmission in mammals, resulting in prolonged muscle contraction.

Asthma and Leukotrienes

I read this information from Organic Chemistry. Asthma is an obstructive lung disease that affects millions of Americans. Because it involves episodic constriction of small airways, bronchodilators such as albuterol and inhaled steroids
reduced inflammation )are used to treat symptoms by widening airways.Leukotrienes are molecules that contribute to the asthmatic response. Structure determination and chemical synthesis were difficult because leukotrienes are highly unstable and extremely potent, and are therefore present in tissues in exceedingly small amounts.


I read this information from Organic Chemistry. Ethanol formed by the fermentation of the carbohydrates in grains, grapes, and potatoes, is the alcohol present in alcoholic beverages. It is perhaps the first organic compound synthesized by human, because alcohol production has been known for at least 4000 years. Ethanol depresses the central nervous system, increases the production of stomach acid, and dilates blood vessels, producing a flushed appearance. Ethanol is also a common laboratory solvent, which is sometimes made unfit to ingest by adding small amount of benzene or methanol. Ethanol is used as a gasoline additive because it readily combusts with the release of energy.

Vitamin A

I read this information from Organic Chemistry. Vitamin A or retinol helps to maintain the health of mucous membranes and the skin, so many anti-aging creams contain vitamin A. A deficiency of this vitamin leads to a loss of night vision. Vitamin A may be obtained directly from the diet. In addition, β-carotene, the orange pigment found in many plant including carrots, is readily converted to vitamin A in our bodies. Ingesting a moderate excess of vitamin A does not cause any harm, but a large excess causes headaches, loss of appetite, and even death. Early Arctic explorers who ate polar bear livers, which contain an unusually large amount of vitamin A are thought to have died from consuming too much vitamin A.


I read this information from Organic Chemistry. The name vitamin was first used in 1912 by the Polish chemist Casimir Funk, who called them vitamines because he thought that they all contained an amine functional group. Later the word was shortened to vitamin, because some are amines but others, like vitamins A and C, are not. Vitamins are organic compounds needed in small amounts for normal cell function. Our bodies cannot synthesize these compound, so they must be obtained in the diet. Most vitamins are identified by letter, such as A, C, D, E, and K. There are several different B vitamins, though, so a subscript is added to distinguish them: for example, B₁, B₂, and B₁₂.

How a diet high in cholesterol may cause cardiovascular disorders.

I read this information from PRE-U TEXT STPM BILOLOGY, a diet rich in cholesterol may result in high blood cholesterol. CO, nicotine, hypertension and high blood cholesterol level cause damage to arterial endothelium. There is invasion by monocytes which develop into macrophages. Macrophages ingest cholesterol from LDLs. Smooth muscle cells also ingest cholesterol. The macrophages and smooth muscle cells transformed into foam cells. The foam cells together with accumulation of lipid( mainly cholesterol), Ca²⁺ and fibrous deposits from the athermatous plaque which is covered by a fibrous cap. It protrudes into the arterial lumen. The plaque causes narrowing of the arterial lumen, reduces oxygen supply to the heart and increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disorders example heart attack.

The effects of cocaine on the nervous system

I read this information from PRE-U TEXT STPM BILOLOGY, there are some of the effects of cocaine on the nervous system. It begin when drug users take in cocaine example snorting (inhaling) or smoking, cocaine enters into the synaptic cleft and binds to the transport molecules. This blocks the reuptake of dopamine by the presynaptic cell. The level of dopamine is higher than normal and remains longer in the synapse. This stimulates the pleasure pathway which gives drug users an intense feeling of euphoria and increased sense of energy. The feeling last for 5-30 minutes. The users then begin to feel irritable, restless and depressed. To overcome these symptoms, users have to repeat the usage of cocaine. With continued cocaine use, the body responds to the ‘excess’ supply in the synaptic cleft by producing less neurotransmitter dopamine and decreasing the numbers of receptors. The cocaine users then experience withdrawal symptoms. They become extremely dependent (addicted) to the drug and increase the cocaine intake to produce the euphoric effect. High doses of cocaine can cause nasal bleeding (from snorting), seizures, cardiac and respiratory arrest, as well as brain damage. Babies born to addict may suffer from developmental and neurological problems. Diseases such as hepatitis B and AIDS are spread when drug addicts share needles.

How cigarette smoking may cause cardiovascular disorders.

I read this information from PRE-U TEXT STPM BILOLOGY, there are some of the effects of cigarette smoking. Carbon monoxide and nicotine damage the endothelium of the blood vessels, making penetration by fats, cholesterol and macrophage easier. Carbon monoxide combines with haemoglobin and reduce oxygen carrying capacity in smokers. Insufficient supply of oxygen may cause angina and heart attack. Nicotine causes constriction of blood vessels and increases blood pressure and heart rate. Nicotine stimulates the sticking of blood platelets to the surface of endothelium and are involved in blood clotting and formation of thrombus. Smoking stimulates production of fibrinogen to form blood clots and reduced levels of enzymes involved in dissolving the blood clots. Nocotine increases the blood fat and cholesterol levels. Destruction of antioxidants, more free radicles present. Smoking increases incidence of atherosclerosis, formation of blood clots at atheromatous plaques and hearts attack. Smoking can also cause lung cancer and other respiratory disorders.

Why a high haemoglobin concentration in the blood is necessary for people living at high altitude?

I read this information from PRE-U TEXT STPM BILOLOGY, why a high haemoglobin concentration in the blood is necessary for people living at high altitude? It is because people living at high altitude face the problem of low partial pressure of oxygen in the atmosphere. Loading tension in lungs decreases. Less oxygen is taken into the lungs, lowers the concentration gradient of oxygen between alveolus and blood capillaries in the lungs. Haemoglobin is not fully saturated. There is less oxygen carried in the blood (hypoxia). Less oxygen is supplied to tissues for aerobic respiration. An increase in haemoglobin in the blood is an adaptation to maintain oxygen carrying capacity.

Why haemoglobin molecules are not found in blood plasma?

I read this information from PRE-U TEXT STPM BILOLOGY, why haemoglobin molecules are not found in blood plasma? It is because if haemoglobin molecules were suspended in the plasma rather than enclosed within erythrocytes, the blood would become too viscous for the heart to pump the blood through the blood vessels. Haemoglobin would also affect the solute potential in the blood. Membrane of Bowman’s capsule in the nephron allows only proteins of molecular weight below 68 000 to pass. The haemoglobin molecules are smaller than the 680 000 threshold molecular weight. If present in the plasma, the haemoglobin can pass through the filtration membrane and be lost in the urine.

Why do many organisms store fats rather than carbohydrates in their bodies?

I read this information from PRE-U TEXT STPM BILOLOGY,why do many organisms store fats rather than carbohydrates in their bodies? It is because fat contains more carbon-hydrogen bonds. They therefore have less than half the mass of carbohydrates for a similar quantity of energy stored. This helps to reduce body weight to make movement easier from place to place. Fats are insoluble in water and do not diffuse out of their place of storage. They also protect the body and internal organs, acts as heat insulator and waterproofing. Oxidation of fats produces metabolic water which can be used by some animals example desert animals.

The importance of calcium and phosphorus in human body

I read this information from PRE-U TEXT STPM BILOLOGY, there are many important of calcuim and phosphorus in human body:
Calcium is important in teeth and bone formation. The skeleton gives support and shape to the body. It provides attachment for muscle to enable movement. Besides that it important in blood clotting, nerve trasmission across the synapse, muscle contraction and intracelullar signalling.
For phosporus, it important in bone formation, components of phospolipids needed to form cell surface membranes and membranes of organelles. It also components of nucleic acids, DNA carries genetic information, RNA in protein synthesis. Beside that, it also components of ATP and ADP needed in energy transfer.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dangers in The Home

I found and read this article in the text muet (Longman),this article tell us about dangers in the home. There are many dangers present in a home. Connecting many electrical appliances to a single socket is very dangerous as it may lead to a fire especially in old houses with worn-out wiring. Touching an electrical switch with a wet hand can cause an electrical shock. Concealed wiring in the walls of modern houses when one is driving a nail in, and uncovered electrical sockets near the floor are also hazardous. Many electrical appliances are potentially dangerous if used carelessly. Even the cylinder of cooking gas can explode, resulting in death and serious injury. Sharp instruments lying around the house are also sources of danger.

Ego-driven People

I found and read this article in the text muet (Longman),this article tell us about ego-driven people. Ego-driven people are controlled by fear of failure and they need to be always correct. They are dependent on what other people think of them, are not humble and think they can never be wrong. Their behaviour leads to arrogance. Unlike conceited people who think much more highly of themselves, arrogant people think much more highly of themselves compared to others. They also do not consider opinions of other people. Arrogant people only care for their own opinions and prefer to listen to people who flatter them. Arrogant people reward those who praise them and not those who give sincere feedback.

The Turtle

I found and read this article in the text muet (Longman),this article tell us about the threats faced by the leatherback turtle and conservation efforts to save it. Giant leatherback turtles are facing extinction. Unfortunately, water pollution and the increased consumption of turtle eggs have resulted in the turtles becoming endangered. The encroachment into their nesting beaches and being caught in fishing nets have also reduced their numbers drastically. The Terengganu Turtle Information Centre has set up an exhibition for the public to appreciate these turtles. They advise turtle watchers not to make any noise, build campfires or shine torchlights into the turtle's eyes as this will scare the turtles, especially as they approach the beach to start their nesting. Camera flashes also disorientate them.

Helping Others Eat Their Way to Good Health

I found and read this article in the text muet (Longman), this article tell us about career of a dietitian. A dietitian advises people as to suitable diets required for particular medical conditions or to improve their health. The patient's current dietary habits are assessed before educating and advising them on the types of food they should eat. The patient is then monitored and the dietary plan is changed according to the patient's change in condition. Dietary intervention is also implemented on overweight or underweight children. Career prospects in this area are in hospitals, in the food industry, in tertiary educational institutions or as freelance consultants. Having a pleasant personality and being a good listener are also required of dietitians.

Limiting Children's Media Diet

I found and read this article in the text muet (Longman), this article tell us about the influence of media on children and preventive measures that can be taken. The media has a big influence on children. Watching TV and videos for hours and playing aggressive computer games have a harmful effect on children as they tend to model the violent behaviour from these programmes. In addition, children tend to become obese because of lack of exercise, have frequent nightmares, get poor grades, and eat unhealthy foods. Two hours of quality TV and video viewing are recommended for older children and none for children below two. Parents should play an important role by spending more time with their children, supervising their viewing habits and setting a good example themselves.

Taking Stress in Stride

I found and read this article in the text muet (Longman), this article tell us about measures to reduce stress. There are several ways to reduce stress. Stress management is a slow process but can be perfected through practice. Stress-related problems can be reduced through proper diet and by controlling smoking and drinking. Exercise helps so it is worth investing in a home gym. Massage is a proven way to reduce mental and physical stress. It relaxes and stimulates one after a hard day. Yoga also helps as it deals with inner harmony to achieve physical fitness. Most importantly, one should recognise the symptoms of stress early and to deal with them before it is too late.

Can We Do Without Television

I read this article in the text muet (Longman), this article tell us about the effects of television on us. Television affects us in many ways. It provides knowledge and information. It is the cheapest source of entertainment and recreation, and is able to provide a great variety of programmes which can entertain both the old and the young. Advertisements on television inform us about new products. Television is also an educational tool. Television has also been used as a surveillance tool and to reach inaccessible places. However, watching too much television can be addictive, a waste of time and can deteriorate vision. It can also reduce people to non-thinking individuals. Furthermore, too many advertisements in between television programmes can be irritating.

Achieving Peak Performance

I read this article in the text muet (Longman), this article tell us about how to achieve peak performance. There are seven steps which can lead to peak performance. Firstly, have a well-balanced life - work hard but know when and how to relax and enjoy your life. The second step is to choose a career you love since internal satisfaction gives better results and rewards. The next step is to rehearse a task mentally before actually doing it. Another step is not to be a perfectionist but to be a risk-taker, and to pursue results and learn from mistakes. High performers never underestimate themselves but concentrate on their capabilities. Lastly, complete only with yourself, not with others.

Pollution in Its Many Forms

I read this article in the text muet (Longman), this article tell us about the effects of pollution. Pollution is one of the most serious problems facing the world today. Pollution has destroyed ecological balance and wildlife and caused various illnesses. As an example, air pollution caused by fumes from factories, car exhausts and crop spraying has reduced visibility and caused breathing problems. Besides that, nuclear testing and use of atomic energy expose people to high radiation levels. Moreover, the burning of fossil fuels damages plants, buildings and human health. Undecayed domestic rubbish also presents problems. Sewage and the dumping of industrial waste into our seas and oceans have caused the death of marine life.

How You Sleep is What You Eat

I read this article in the text muet (Longman), this article tell us about the effects of food on sleep. Food effects our sleep. Carbohydrates contain serotonin which helps us feel calm and relaxed. Therefore, large amounts of carbohydrates cause drowsiness. However, if we want to stay alert, we should consume a balanced meal containing protein and carbohydrates. Research suggests that carbohydrates increase brain serotonin leading to a rise in insulin levels in the blood. Therefore, a correct diet helps in keeping us alert as the blood sugar, serotonin and insulin levels rise only moderately. Besides, some people are also sensitive to coffee, tea or soda drinks as these keep them awake. The key to getting enough sleep is establishing a routine before bedtime.

Asian Steel Squeeze

I read this article in the text muet (Longman), this article tell us, why there is lack of steel in the region and the effects of it on the powerful industrialised nations of Asia. Asia is now facing a shortage of steel because the merger of large steel manufacturers has reduced the number of steel suppliers. The incredible success of Japanese automakers is another cause. The production of cars has overtaken the supply of steel. China’s amazing growth spurt and demand for all types of steel also caught steel suppliers by surprise. Consequently, the price of steel is shooting up, raising the costs for car makers, construction companies and other industries dependent on steel. Major automakers is Japan are forced to suspend or reduce production, or look for different kinds of steel to ensure supply of cars.

Health care Gap Between Rich And Poor Nations Persists

I found and read this article in the text muet (Longman), this article tell us why there is a disparity in public health between rich and poor nations. There are several factors cause disparity in public health between rich and poor countries. According to the World Health Organisation, the disparity is partly due to poor accessibility of simple, cost-effective measures to developing nations. Poor health systems there also limit global programs from fighting contagious diseases. The privatisation policy recommended by the World Bank in the 1980s also made thing worse. Even research was not tailored to meet conditions in poor countries. According to the Global Forum for Health Research, only a small percentage of funding goes to research for infectious disease affecting developing nations. Pharmaceutical companies also spend a lot more on research for non-contagious diseases affecting wealthier nations.

Monday, August 4, 2008

A Good Power Point Presentation

a good power point must include:
1. well organised
2. simple sentences and no long text .
3. suitable color or background or picture.
4. presenting with visuals
5. must has attention getter.
6. no to many use animation
7. clear and can read the slide
8. don't use many chart in 1 page
9. have body and conclusion.
10. leave impact on audience

Good Presenter Criteria

From the video on presentation skill, the criteria of a good presenter must include:
1. attention getter,
2. make eye contact,
3. don't reading when present,
4. use our body language,
5. open our hand when present,
6. stand with both leg,
7. use visual aids,
8. move around,
9. speak loudly & clearly,
10. be ourselves

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Ease the Strain

I read this article from readers digest (March 2006), this article tell about how to focus our eyes. So I would like to give you tip to ease the strain.
1.Take a break.
After about 45 to 60 minutes, we must take a rest
2.Keep it bright.
Hold our reading material 30-40 centimeters from our eyes and enough soft light coming from a source behind or beside our shoulder.
3.Try reading glasses.
4.Get some shuteye.
Close our eyes for a few minutes to refocus them and help them relax.

Choc Talk

I read this article from readers digest (February 2008)...I like chocolate so much, that why i post this topic, the impact of chocolate’s luxurious taste on the senses has been compared to the feeling in love, it true??
1.Chocolate as medication
When we it chocolate, actually it triggers the release of feel-good endorphins(natural opiates) in the brain.
2.Chocolate as health food
Chocolate contains very high level of catechins (compound that act as antioxidants), chocolate also source of essential nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, niacin and riboflavin.
3.Limit our intake
Chocolate can be included in a healthy diet, as long as we are active and are having plenty of fruit and vegetables. To obtain without adding too much fat to our diet, we must limit ourselves to 25g a day.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How to be a Millionaire

I read this article from readers digest ( February 2008) by Kristyn Kusek Lewis. I know everybody want to be a millionaire right?? Yeah the dream is biggest and we must do something to achieve our target. So in this post, I would like to share of you how to be a millionaire.
1.Set our sights on where we are going, don’t be afraid to think big. It our dream, so ignore what the people say to you.
2.Educate ourselves, we must know how to manage our money, investing and financially literate if we want make money.
3.Passion pays off, we must focus our passion, not on the paycheck.
4.Grow our money, set aside some money for the sole purpose of investing it where it will grow dramatically.
5.No guts, not glory.

30 ideas for better action photos

This article I read from Digital Camera (June 2008). From this article I learn how to capture the most amazing piece of action in the world. So, for this post, I would like to share with all of you how to be as photographer.
1.Look at the background,background play an important rule to get the most amazing picture.
2.Hide it in shadow, can’t shoot when the subject is all in the shade and the background is in the sun.
3.Knowledge is power, we must understand the situation.
4.Use dynamic position.
5.Don’t forget the aesthetics.
6.Anticipate the moment, action can happen unexpectedly and so fast that we must prepared to anticipate it.
7.Think different, think creatively and try to capture the moment from a different angle.
8.To burst or not to burst.
9.Don’t be afraid to take a wide angle.
10.Patience is key, we must have patience to get good pictures.
11.Don’t let our nerves get better of us, the best way to deal with nerves is to concentrate on our subject and keep fully focused.
12.Be philosophical, learn from the mistake and never give up trying.
13.Use emotions to tell the story.
14.Put ourselves in the right areas.
15.Freeze the action.
16.Back lighting can add impact, we can achieve striking effect by shouting into the sun.
17.Be at one with our camera, we must know our camera inside and out.
18.Don’t limit ourselves.
19.Action can be artistic.
20.Use the right tools for the job, having large viewfinder helps too.
21.Develop the perfect swing, can get sharper shot if we relax our arms a bit and don’t stick our eye right up to the viewfinder.
22.Practice makes perfect.
23.Use an ND filter.
24.Choose the right background for pans.
25.Find those unusual angles.
26.Try shooting from overhead, shooting from overhead can produce interesting shots.
27.Try zoom panning.
28.Shoot from a second car.
29.The light fantastic
30.Always try to be creative.
I hope with this tips, all of you can get something from this article, and can capture the amazing action as a good photographer

Monday, July 28, 2008

Preventing Diabetes

I get this article from readers digest (November 2007)...we can see, a lot of people now,don’t care about their healthy especially with busy life..every body,mostly think how to gain money than thinking about their’s some sound advice for all people( not just those with diabetes)...
1.Limit saturated fat and moderate total fat intake,we can found kind of this saturated fat in meat products such as sausages and bacon, butter, full fat milk and cheese, and palm and coconut oil.
2.Exercise regularly...if you can spent your time with watch movie, i think you also can spent at least 30 minutes of exercise a day right??
3.Get some sleep, at least 7 hours a night...if we sleep,actually it will release adrenaline that induce insulin resistance...
So let we do it now!!!

Skip Yourself Fit

I found this article in readers digest (November 2007)....this article give us some tips how to make our body fit...just follow their suggestion:
1.Skip for one minute,
2.Star jumps for 30 seconds,
3.30-metre sprints,
4.Ten sit-ups,
5.Repeat five time
Skipping is not just for kids,but it’s high-intensity cardio exercise that uses every muscle in our body. If we discipline ourselves...we can get the better get results,we must work our heart from 70 to 80 per cent of its full its depend on ourselves...more we do,its will help our addition,i think...with this exercises we can full our free time right?? So don’t be lazy if you want your body became fit..

Sunday, July 27, 2008

IPods Disrupt Pacemakers

This article also I read from readers digest (October 2007)…
Isn’t that iPods can disrupt pacemakers?? After read this article…I’m so scare about our heart…this article tells us that when we close encounters with iPods, it can caused interference with our cardiac pacemakers in 50 percent of patients, according to electromagnetic tests. How?? When the iPods were held 5cm from patients’ chests for 5-10 seconds, some pacemakers could misread heart function, and, in one case, the life preserving device temporarily stopped function…so my advice…take care about our heart..
safety first!!!

Preparing For The Interview

I get this article from readers digest (August 2007)…
From this article…it’s tell us how we can prepare ourselves for the interview…..if you interesting just follow their suggestions:
1.Plan what you want to say, it’s mean you must prepare the key points you want to get across, and practice how to communicate them clearly.
2.Demonstrate confidence, first you must smile, then shake hand with the interviewer, second introduce you with confidence and optimism, third keep eye contact and posture(most important thing, don’t forget it!!!).
3.Speak up for yourself; be brave to ask where the company is headed or to suggest ideas.
4.Engage the interviewer, you must show that you interest in the interviewer; ask how long he’s been with the company and his own career progression (knowing how to close an interview helps your chances as well as knowing how to begin one)

Seven ways to implement storytelling today

I get this article from readers digest (September 2007)...this article tell us that we have 7 way to do storytelling anywhere and anytime.
1. Keep a notepad handy to jot down every moment.
2. To grab people’s attention at the very beginning, develop a catchy title for each story.
3. Share stories in our regularly schedule meeting.
4. Don’t forget to ask for feedback on our storytelling skills or hire a coach to hone our delivery.
5. Incorporate stories in our regular communications, example, memos, reports, presentations, and meetings.
6. Also set a date with our work team to identify stories that exemplify the value of our collective contribution to corporate goals.
7. Lastly, continually collect new stories, so we always have fresh tales to supplement the legends.

How to Beat The Crowds

I read this article in readers digest (September 2007)…this article teaches us how to get the most out of our next adventure:
1. We must ask at tourist about busy visiting times and days, so we can avoid peak periods.
2. Then, check if there are out-of-hours tours or events.
3. Accommodation near the attraction allows us more flexibility.
4. We must also ask if tickets can be pre-purchased, so we can avoid queues.
5. Before we go, we must read up, so we don’t miss the best features. If we are interested in one thing about an attraction, don’t allow guided tour make a barrier to us to do what we want.
6. If we belong to a motoring or social club, we must check our membership benefits, so we maybe can get any discount

Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's Not Just What You Eat..

I read this article in readers digest (September 2007)… this article tells us that by changing our eating habit could help cut our risk of digestive illness:
1. take meal times seriously, it’s will make sure we still spend our time to take a meal although we are busy.
2. Take your time when eating because it’s will help our system can have enough time to digest the food.
3. Chew well. When we chew our food into a small piece, it does will help our system to process and it also will release enzymes.
4. Eat early. When we take breakfast, it’s will provide energy and increase our metabolism for our body to do work for the day.
5. Don’t miss meal. When we miss meal, our body will lack of carbohydrate and lot more nutrient that need in our body. At the end, it will disturb our body system that can cause excessive gas.

Fighting Fat

Nowadays, we can see a lot of people do not care about their healthy especially in food. They just take a meal that they want without care about the cholesterol and fats that contains in the food. So, this situation makes people become overweight.
There are too many reasons why we gain and lose in weight. Here, I will share with all of you some ways to treat obesity. Firstly, the person who is obesity can get thin pill. When a person takes this pill, they can eat in way through rimonabant and obesity treatments. They also have to following a healthy diet and always do exercise to make it be more effective, but at the same time, they must take obesity medicine for a long time.The second ways is they can have obesity vaccine. Our body is containing a hormone called ghrelin that can slow metabolism, encourage eating and force our body to retain fat.Besides, an obesity person can have shocking solutions. This solution is using electricity to trick stomach into thinking of stuffed. It will connect with brain and prevents the stomach from increasing in size when eating and keep filled with food.The most effective solutions are surgery. It’s will short time to getting better.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


today in my block, c6, we were having shortage of was very difficult to do anything...was very stressful.. my class starts in the I do not have to rush for my class

Friday, July 11, 2008

My friend - Miss Suharti

She likes purple colour very much..
First time she came to technical english class..
She wore purple colour of baju kurung Pahang..
She looked nice..with wearing light purple colour scaft..

She likes her mother's cook..and i think..
She missed her mother's cook..
Especially asam pedas...

This my new friend...i call her Su..
Suharti...she was born in Sg. Besar,Selangor..
2 of September 1989..
Simple person..and love to smile